Troll Stroll on Rainier Trail, Issaquah

After weeks of rainy, cloudy weather seven CAI-PNW members trusted the morning’s weather prediction and enjoyed a hike with no rain or wind and even some sun! Flo, John, Derek, Ida, Gerlinde, Kendra and Cam met in the Issaquah Community Center.

We headed up the railroad-grade Rainier trail in search of Jacob Two Tree Troll. What fun to find and stand by this kind-faced troll designed by Thomas Dambo of Denmark and put together on site with Dambo and local volunteers. The natural and recycled materials are all meant to biodegrade in time.

We continued up the Rainier Trail to reach a loop of wooded trails in West Tiger. The first leg of the loop climbed up to meet a Poo Poo Point Trailhead. Looping back on the Wetlands Trail, which skirted Round Lake, and another connector trail gave us a view of Issaquah to Lake Washington and an adventurous 4 mile total hike upon to complete the loop.

Some of us then “put our legs under the table” at the nearby Umi Cafe.

Submitted by Cam Bradley


Lincoln Park Troll Hike


CAI-PNW Holiday Luncheon