Regulations of the Club Alpino Italiano Pacific Northwest Subsection of Pisa

  • The Club Alpino Italiano Pacific Northwest Subsection of Pisa (CAI-PNW-Pisa), begun in 2002, is located in Washington State USA as a subsection of the Sezione di Pisa del C.A.I.

  • The purpose of the subsection is to promote the knowledge and study of the mountains of the Pacific Northwest using the means described in Article 1 of the General Regulations and the regulations of the Sezione di Pisa. The main aim of the Alpine Club of Italy, as well as the PNW Subsection, is the promotion of "alpinism in any form, the knowledge and study of the mountains, especially the Italian Mountains, and the protection of its natural environment." This would include rock climbing, hiking, walking, any form of skiing, caving, etc.

    Our mission also includes the promotion and study of the mountains and the natural environment of the Pacific Northwest by all CAI members, as well as the promotion and study of the Italian and European mountains by members of the PNW Subsection. It is the objective of the subsection to organize exchanges between its membership and the Italian members of CAI for the purpose of hiking and exploring the mountain areas of their respective regions.

  • The members of the subsection are members of the Sezione di Pisa in one of the following categories:

    Individual (Ordinario)

    Spouse/Partner (Familiare)

    Young Adult (18-25) (Ordinario Junior)

    Youth (under 18) (Giovane)

    Such classifications are described in Article 7 of the General Regulations of CAI.

  • Applicants for admission to the subsection must submit the official form and, by so doing, commit themselves to observe the regulations of the section and subsection.

  • The General Assembly of the members meets once per year ­by March 31. Extraordinary assemblies may take place at the request of the Council or upon the written and signed request of 25 members or a simple majority of the voting members, whichever is fewer.

  • The conduct of the Assembly, either general or extraordinary, is regulated by Articles 14 to 22 inclusive of the Regulations of the Sezione di Pisa.

  • In the Assembly, members can be represented by other members who have been so delegated; a member can represent only one other member.

  • Once an Assembly has been called--either general or extraordinary--the Sezione di Pisa must be informed, and they can send one or more observers.

  • The Council of the subsection has a term of 2 years and is composed of

    1. President

    2. Secretary

    3. Treasurer

    4. Membership Coordinator

    5. Events Coordinator

    6. International Trips Coordinator

    7. Webmaster

    8. Up to three At-Large members

  • The members vote for the election of councillors, from all members of the subsection who have been members of CAI for at least two years and who are 18 years of age and older.

  • Councillors can be reelected.

  • Membership fees of the subsection and the division of such fees between the Sezione di Pisa and the subsection will be proposed by the Council and ratified by the Assembly of the Sezione. The subsection has the ability to establish an additional charge for special requests by members such as special mailings. Yearly membership extends until March 30 of the following year.

  • Amendments to the CAI-PNW Sub-Section Regulations may be made by the CAI-PNW Council and sent to CAI-Pisa for final approval.

  • Whatever issue is not addressed in these Regulations, the Regulations of CAI and the Sezione di Pisa existing at the date of the formation of the subsection apply.


Regulations of Sezione di Pisa cited in the Regulations of the Subsection

  • The order of executive authority of the section is:

    1. The General Assembly

    2. The Council

    3. The President

    4. The Treasurer

    5. The Secretary

  • All elected officials serve without pay, and must be individual, spouse/partner, or young adult members for at least two years.


General Assembly

  • The General Assembly of the members is the sovereign authority of the section, and represents all the members. Its decisions are binding for all those who agree or disagree.

    The Assembly:

    1. elects the Councilors, the auditors, and official delegates if any;

    2. nominates the electoral commission when elections of officials are required;

    3. approves the program of the section annually, the past year report by the President, the previous year accounting, and the current year budget;

    4. decides on relaxation or creation of easements on property;

    5. decides on proposals that affect the budget of the section for the construction, maintenance, and enlargement of trails, campsites, etc. in the mountains;

    6. decides on amendments of existing regulations;

    7. approves the decisions of Council concerning annual membership fees and the part exceeding that fixed by the Assembly of Delegates;

    8. decides on the closure of the section establishing the naming of one or more liquidators;

    9. decides about any matter submitted by Council or submitted by a motion signed by at least 25 members.

  • The council calls the Assembly at least once a year between January 1 and March 31 to approve the budget and to nominate the candidates for office. In addition, an immediate extraordinary session can be called at any time by the request of the Council or by a request signed by two auditors or by at least 10% of the members. The request for an Assembly must be submitted to the Council which must call the Assembly within 30 days from the request.

    The date of the Assembly is to be announced by a poster in the club house and by mail or electronic transmission to all the members. The poster announcement must detail the agenda, date, time, and location of the Assembly.

  • The Council is responsible for the agenda of the Assembly.

  • The Assembly is called by the President or the next in charge in his/her absence, after authorization of the Council. Notification is made by way of a letter or electronic submission to all members, as well as a poster, with the agenda of the Assembly. This mailing or electronic transmission should take place between ten and fifty days before the Assembly. The poster should be posted at the clubhouse, as well as included in the newsletter if the dates coincide.

  • All members with current paid membership are authorized to attend the Assembly. Each member has one vote and with written or electronic transmission authorization can be represented by another member, excluding Council members. Each member with authorization can vote only for one other member. Only individual, spouse/partner, and young adult members are authorized to vote.

  • The Assembly is valid at the first call to order if at least fifty percent of the authorized voting members are present. If less than fifty percent of the voting members are present, there will be a second call to order, at least thirty minutes later. At this time, the Assembly will be valid whatever the number of the voting members present.

  • The Assembly nominates the Chairperson and the Secretary. Three additional members should also be nominated to validate the voting. The Chairperson calls the Assembly to order and validates the meeting, insures the qualifications of the delegates, and manages the Assembly in general. The Secretary keeps the minutes of the Assembly, which are approved and signed by the Chairperson and the Secretary.

  • The voting results are taken by a show of hands or, if requested by the majority of the members present, by secret or voice vote. The majority vote determines the outcome. Voting on the relaxation or creation of easements on property or on amendments of existing regulations requires a 2/3 majority vote. Closing of the section requires a 3/4 vote of the total recognized membership. Voting for the Council members is by secret vote.

  • The decisions as related to the relaxation or creation of easements on property or on amendments of existing regulations are not effective until they are approved by the Central Council of CAI, pursuant to articles 12 and 27 of the CAI Statute.


CAI General Regulations cited in the Regulations of the Subsection

  • Settlement and aim

    1. The Alpine Club of Italy (C.A.I.), founded in Torino in 1863 by way of an initiative by Quintino Sella, is a free national association aimed to alpinism in any form, the knowledge and study of the mountains, especially the Italian Mountains, and the protection of its natural environment.

  • Benefactor, individual, family, young adult and youth members

    1. Benefactor members are public or private corporations, associations, foundations and institutions, which obtain membership to a section thanks to a substantial fee.

    2. Individual members are persons older than 18 years.

    3. Family members are members of the family of an individual member older than 18 years.

    4. Young adult members between 18-25 years of age.

    5. Youth members are individuals under 18 years.

    6. Foreigners are allowed to become members.

    7. Admission of new members is decided by the Council of the section.

  • Autonomy and regulations

    1. Each section - following the Statute rules and regulations - has full autonomy and is completely free to act; has the ordinary and extraordinary administration of its own budget and property, except for the limitations according to the articles 14 and 27.

    2. The section has its own regulations and follows the decisions taken by its General Assembly, which is the sovereign authority of the section and to which all members participate.

    3. Regulations and amendments are valid only after the ratification of the Central Council.

    4. Sections are not allowed to set up nonmember groups.

  • Assembly - Violations - Closure of the section

    1. The Assembly of the section determines the fee for the part exceeding the fee fixed by the Assembly of the Delegates, approves annually the programs of the section, the budget for the previous year and the present year, and decides on relaxation or creation of easements on property.

    2. In case of violation of rules by any of the executive authority of the section, the general regulations apply.

    3. Every section can be closed after deliberation of its own General Assembly following its own regulations, with the positive votes of 3/4 of the voting members.

    4. In case of closure, liquidation should be done under control of the executive authority of CAI.

    5. The assets of the liquidation are held and managed for 3 years by the General Secretary in case the section is reestablished. After the three years the assets will become the property of CAI.

    6. Under no condition will the assets be divided among the members.

  • Assets - Easements on property - Treasury

    1. CAI and all sections have their own autonomous assets and can buy and sell them.

    2. The sale of assets to other parties requires the approval of the Central Council in advance, while the sale of assets of CAI should be approved by the Assembly of the Delegates in advance.

    3. The Treasurer’s action should be done after deliberation of the Central Council through one or more public credit institutions, which should be given the custody of fixed assets.

20 February 2012 Updated

June 2018 Updated by CAI-PNW Council and approved by CAI-Pisa Council

28 October 2020 Updated by CAI-PNW Council; Approved by CAI-Pisa 28 November 2020